Hrc operates in the field of information technology and is one of the largest providers of software for banks and savings banks in Slovenia and Croatia. All our solutions are based on our own Hibis central banking system.
Hibis is a unique comprehensive solution that covers all areas necessary for the operations of a bank or savings bank with a number of modules. The many years of partnership with many clients – small savings banks and systemic banks alike – have helped Hibis evolve into a reliable, optimised solution over the years. Implementing a standard Hibis solution at the client’s offices means proven, stable and reliable support that brings embedded good practice. Rather than prepare a complex specification, you can customise your processes to an existing solution in a simple manner. For the client, this means significant resource savings and faster and more cost-effective implementation of solutions.
We cooperate with the world's leading information technology manufacturers and complement our own solutions with the newest offer in the market. We are an Oracle Certified Partner. We have been cooperating with Oracle since as far back as 1993. In the field of application servers, we have been Payara partners since 2020.
Hrc is also devoting special attention to information security in its broadest sense – both in terms of day-to-day operations of the company and in terms of preparation of software solutions and cooperation with clients. We have been a proud holder of the ISO/IEC 27001 certificate of compliance since 2013. The ISO/IEC 27001 standard is recognised internationally as the best standard in the field of information security.
The company Hrc Informacijski inženiring d.o.o. was founded in 1999 and is the legal successor of Hmezad Computer Centre.
In the more than twenty-five years of operations, we have worked with many financial institutions. Our system is implemented in part or in full at ten Slovenian banks and savings banks and at three Croatian banks.
Deželna banka Slovenije
AIK Banka
OTP bank (Nova KBM +SKB bank)
Slovenian Sovereign Holding
NKBM - Abanka
Gorenjska banka
Raiffeisen bank Hrvatska
Abanka Ljubljana
RCI Banque
KD Banka Ljubljana
Addiko bank Zagreb
(former Hypo Alpe Adria bank, Slavonska banka Osijek)
Posojilnica bank E-Gen Ljubljana
(former Zveza bank r.z.o.)
Primorska hranilnica Vipava
(former Hranilnica in posojilnica Vipava d.o.)
Deželna banka Slovenijelimited modules (former ZKHS)
Raiffeisen bank(former RBSI; KBS banka)
Addiko bank d.d.
(former Hypo Alpe Adria bank)
Banka Celje
(after Abanka d.d.)
Sberbank (former Volksbank)
BKS bank Rijeka (former Kvarner banka)
Delavska hranilnica
Lon d.d.
Factor Banka(DUTB)
Hrc is one of the largest providers of software for banks and savings banks in Slovenia and Croatia.
We are a proud donor to our neighbour, the Beer Fountain in Žalec.
So, both for employees and the local community, a defibrillator is available in our building at Hmeljarska 3.
During the year, we donate funds to various organisations and individuals in the community (Europa Donna, Marta Verban – the Association of Persons with Disabilities of Slovenia, Red Noses, the Association of Friends of Youth, the Slovenian Association for Promotion and Education for Health, etc.).
At the end of the year, we make major donations for a better tomorrow for children and societies that operate in our environment.
To banks and savings banks in Slovenia and Croatia, we provide top-quality solutions in various business areas.
Case studies, news about the latest projects, and events and reports on current developments.
We will be happy to answer your questions as soon as possible.