What does the “Hibis model bank” mean?

January 13, 2022

In the market, Hrc offers a wide range of software that enables integrated operations of banks and savings banks. With its modularity, Hibis enables agile implementation of an entire banking system or only individual parts – modules. The many experiences of cooperation with different clients have shaped the standard Hibis solutions that meet business needs. In addition to the inter modular option of integration, standard modules are also equipped with a number of APIs for connecting to external systems used by clients. 

The concept of the Hibis model bank

The Hibis model bank is a concept that offers a standard solution to meet a specific need of a client. This is an off-the-shelf solution. That way, Hibis offers a number of benefits to users of solutions. 

In a time of rapid changes and an urgent need for adaptability to the needs of the market and regulators, introducing off-the-shelf solutions for banks and savings banks can be a key advantage. It means significantly faster implementation and a more cost-effective choice compared to custom-made solutions. In addition to the temporal and financial components, the testing and thus the quality of the solution are also key. Something that works in several systems already covers a certain number of cases, situations as well as exceptions. All of the above has shaped an optimal solution that has sufficient width to meet (at least all basic) client needs. 

Implementing a standard Hibis solution at the client’s offices means proven, stable and reliable support that brings embedded good practice. Rather than prepare a complex specification, you can customize your processes to an existing solution in a simple manner. Such a manner results in significant resource savings and faster and more cost-effective implementation on the part of the client. 

Clients are increasingly aware of the many advantages of standard Hibis solutions, which significantly shorten the entire process of implementing a software solution. 

Standard Hibis solution / Customised Hibis solution

Key benefits of standard Hibis solutions

Benefits of standard Hibis solutions

Key benefits of customised Hibis solutions

Standard Hibis solutions are constantly upgraded and new ones are designed. However, when existing solutions do not meet the needs of the client, Hrc is happy to offer customised solutions that enable clients to meet even the most complex business needs.  

Benefits of customised Hibis solutions

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