Information security

January 5, 2022

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard is recognised internationally as the best standard in the field of information security. Organisations with a certificate of compliance demonstrate their clear commitment to information security management to everyone. Hrc has been a proud holder of the ISO/IEC 27001 certificate of compliance since as early as 2013.

What ISO/IEC 27001 is and why it is important for a company

Most companies and other organisations implement some form of information security management. Such supervision is certainly necessary, as information is one of the most valuable assets in today’s complex world. However, the efficiency of such management is determined by how well such supervision is organised and implemented. Many organisations often introduce safety measures without planning: some are introduced to provide partial and short-term solutions to problems that have already arisen, while others are often introduced only as a kind of formality that is soon to be forgotten. Such an approach often takes into account only some, above all, technical aspects of information security, and is often oblivious to other assets that are equally important for information security: staff and their expertise and information security awareness, efficient organisation and communication, controlled (maintained, consistent, clear) documentation, regularly tested and updated procedures to ensure continued operations during emergencies and much more. For the very purpose of addressing information security in its broadest sense, the ISO/IEC 27001 international standard has been developed.

What ISO/IEC 27001 is

ISO/IEC 27001 formally defines the information security management system. Organisations that have adopted the principles of ISO/IEC 27001 can, therefore, undergo systematic internal and external evaluations and certifications of compliance. ISO/IEC 27001 requires that an organisation adopt a comprehensive information security management system, in particular by:

  • systematically identifying information security risks while taking into account threats, vulnerabilities and the impacts of potential threats to operations,
  • adhering to the principles of information security in all areas and at all stages of its activities,
  • establishing and implementing coordinated and comprehensive information security supervision and introducing measures to reduce the identified risks to an acceptable level,
  • continuously improving the level of information security.

Why ISO/IEC 27001 is so important and the business benefits it offers

The business benefits from the ISO/IEC 27001 compliance certificate are significant. The standard does not only help to ensure cost-effective control of IT security risks, but also means that the organisation is trustworthy. ISO/IEC 27001 is invaluable for monitoring, appraising, maintaining and continuously improving the information security management system.

The ISO/IEC 27001 standard is recognised internationally as the best standard in the field of information security. Organisations with a certificate of compliance demonstrate their clear commitment to information security management to everyone. The certificate may provide the organisation with a framework to ensure compliance with contractual and legal obligations, provide a competitive advantage and help open the door to operations in highly regulated activities, including banking.

HRC has been a proud holder of the ISO/IEC 27001 certificate of compliance since as early as 2013.

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